After years of providing clients with assessment and remediation services to assist with their PCI DSS compliance, we are now Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessors
The Forgotten Phases of Governance
Three checkpoints where you need to stop and ask yourself some key questions
Which Piece of the Resilience Puzzle Are You?
Clarity of Component is required to ensure that an organisation is protected from the unknown.
Emergence of the Customer Insights Driven Organisation: Beyond Data Driven
How artificial intelligence is transforming the way companies analyse their data to understand their customers.
Are You Getting to the Heart of Your Customer Needs?
How happy are your customers? By now we all know about the power of a great question. We also know that our ability to utilise quality data to support decision making and expose new opportunities is constantly growing. The Market Research Industry has long been built...
PCI DSS Audits – What to Expect
A brief overview of the PCI DSS audit process and how it may apply to you
What is PCI DSS – and why should I care?
A brief overview of PCI DSS and how it applies to your organisation
Preparing for a move to the cloud
A step-by-step process to help you maximise the benefits of cloud computing
Big data made simple
Taking technical jargon out of Big Data