One of the most important assets of your Business Continuity response and recovery are Plans. Yet, organisations are challenged by defining what sort of plans they need, and then they struggle designing, writing, maintaining, and using them.
Terra Firma, Castellan and MLC Life Insurance are tackling these issues in a Webinar titled, The Great BC Plan Challenge – In depth look at the purpose, design and build challenges of BC Plans.
The session will cover the following:
- Introduction to:
- BC Plans and Procedures – What is best practice from International Standards?
- Castellan BCMS Software – Industry award winning cloud-based tool
- Why are BC Plans and Procedures challenging – international feedback
- How Castellan software was designed to make life easier
- Case study – MLC Life Insurance
If you’re unsure of what type of plans you need, the structure of the plans, the depth of content, integration of other reference information, or you need to better understand how to distribute and dynamically execute plans when disaster strikes, then watching this webinar is a must.

Foresight beats hindsight. (Every Time).®
Our speakers
Saul Midler FBCI (Hon)
Business Continuity & Resilience Executive
Terra Firma
Uzzy Wasim
Head of Enterprise Safeguarding
MLC Life Insurance
Brian Zawada
Managing Director and Chief Visionary Officer
Castellan LLC, USA